Thursday, January 16, 2014

New Year, New You

It's that time of year.  We've all made our resolutions, and many of us have probably already given up on those resolutions.  Why is that?

I have given up on resolutions.  Resolutions are like wishes.  They are things we hope will happen.  I've traded my resolutions for GOALS.  I decide what I want, and I get really specific about it.  I put deadlines on those goals.  And then, I back my way down to all the steps I need to take to make them happen.  That's my PLAN.  I review my goals every day, and I think about what needs to happen today for me to get to that goal.

Want to know if it works?  I've already lost 50 pounds following this idea.  I'm working on the last 15.  And you know what?  I KNOW it's going to happen.  I haven't resolved about it or wished for it.  I made plan and I'm working that plan.  You can create and work your own plan, too. 

Take a look at what I mean:

RESOLUTION:  I will get in shape this year!! 

GOAL/PLAN:  I will lose 15 pounds by March 15, 2014.  To do that, I need to follow my eating plan, track my food daily, excercise 5 times a week and stay involved in my accountability group.

By focusing on what I need to do, one day at a time, I am constantly moving toward my goal.

Want more help in setting up your own GOAL/PLAN?  Drop me an email or look for me on Facebook.  I'd be happy to help! or look for ETL Wellness Solutions on Facebook.  See you there!